While I have a fabulous job professional planning events, it's even more fun when I get to personally host an event for a friend. This past fall, my dear friend, Kira, celebrated her wedding to Nat, and, of course, a Bridal Shower was on the horizon to celebrate her! (And it's her Birthday Weekend so Happy Birthday!)
The other bridesmaids and I finalized our plans for her baking-inspired Bridal Shower, and here are some of the details:
Make Your Own Mimosa Bar - complete with champagne, sparkling cider, sodas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, orange slices, lime slices, lemon slices, orange juice, cranberry juice, and grapefruit juice.
Fool-proof instructions
Guests were greeted with personalized champagne flutes. The nametags doubled as glass tags so all of the ladies could keep track of their flutes.
Sweet signage.
Fun buffet with lots of brunch items! Salads, finger sandwiches, fruits, and the muffins. Oh the muffins (see more below),
Lovely desserts on pedestal platters -- Key Lime Cheesecake Bars, Yellow and Chocolate Cupcakes, Chocolate Truffles
Guests received macaroon favors with custom stickers thanking them.
These muffins deserved their own close up photo. Since I ate two three four(ish). Katherine, one of the other bridesmaids (and my food soulmate), created these. She dubbed them "Cinnamon Coconut Crumble Muffins". I call them magical. Not too much coconut, super-moist, and not so sweet so that you'd think they were a dessert. They were most definitely part of the meal. She "claims" that they deflated (or something like that where they didn't turn out as she'd hope, so she "whipped together" a crumble topping (seriously, who "whips up" a crumble topping?) She's amazing. I'd like to be some version of her when I grow up, because she creates deliciousness like this.
For those who were under the impression we were just going to be covering party decor in this blog, you are mistaken. There will be all things fabulous, including things that are fabulously delicious. Just to prepare you.
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