My mommy friends often ask me how to clean a Pack-n-Play. Likely because my toddler is all about making the biggest messes possible. After a few rounds of taking a damp rag to it like the manual suggests (HA), I thought, there has to be a more effective way to do this. Look at that dingy grossness: So what does Pinterest suggest we use to clean, like, everything? Dawn and White Vinegar. I'll try anything once. Here's how it went down: 1) Filled a bathtub with hot hot hot water, 1 c Dawn and 2 c White Vinegar. 2) Folded up the Pack-n-Play, shaking out any crumbs (there are always crumbs), and laid the whole thing down into the hot bath. I ran my hands along the netting and material to agitate any dirt and grime off of them. 3) Allow to soak about 15 minutes. To rinse, I drained out the tub water, then turned on the shower and hopped in to direct the shower head all over the Pack-n-Play to rinse well. 4) To dry, you can either lug it outside, pop it open ...
Wife. Mom. Greek. Southerner. Event Planner. Amateur Cook. Traveler. Thirty One Consultant. Stationer. Crafter.